Friday, July 15, 2011

2012: The Greatest Year in the History of Awesome Stuff

So I know that this year is barely halfway over, and we've still got plenty of awesome entertainment coming up (Captain America, Cowboys & Aliens, Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3 etc), but I was thinking about next year...and the plethora of awesome shiz that will be invading our wallets and brain cells.

The most prevalent is in the movie front:
John Carter
The Hunger Games
Wrath of the Titans (I'm willing to the franchise another shot)
The Avengers
Rock of Ages
Snow White and the Huntsmen
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (Just started the book..pretty rad)
Star Trek 2 (If they start filming this Fall)
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Dark Knight Rises (Enough to make year the greatest year....ever)
The Bourne Legacy (Without Jason Bourne..but I'm still pumped)
Total Recall
GI Joe 2 (I enjoyed the first one enough to warrant a return)
The Expendables 2
Resident Evil: Retribution (Wasn't a huge fan of the fourth, but again I'll give it another shot)
Bond 23
47 Ronin (Keanu Reeves + Samurai=Sweetness)
The Hobbit:  An Unexpected Journey
The Lone Ranger
Django Unchained

Batman, Lord of the Rings, James Bond, Spider-Man, Star Trek, The Avengers..all in one year??

I must also mention that two of my most anticipated games come out next year: Mass Effect 3 and Bioshock Infinite.  I'm already calling Bioshock Infinite as Game of the Century when it arrives next fall.

Next year may very well be one of the highest-grossing years in cinema history...and I'll definitely be doing my part to contribute!!

What say you, Internet?  Anything that you're excited for that I missed?  Let me know!

The Bearded Bullet

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